Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Meteorology vs....
Govt/Econ: Bring your bright yellow budget sheets to class next time. We'll continue the budget-school choice/reparations discussions.
WS: Finish your maps!
AP: Prepare for the Ch. 12 and CH. 13 tests (more like quizzes) that you must prepare for on your own! I also handed out the CH. 14 wksht. Get it done by, oh, let's say...Wednesday. HOWEVER - I will give you some class time to get some stuff done (including some more maps - Americas and Africa this time. While some of you will use the time to do your maps - others may use their time to coordinate History Day preparation/completion (for Percy). Do not waste this final weekend! Boards/Displays will take a lot longer than you believe.
To all - If I have to go to school tomorrow, I expect everyone there to suffer with me! If, by some miracle of all miracles, school is closed, Enjoy a free day, but then make sure you complete your classwork and don't come back to class behind the eight ball. EC - what's the origin of that last phrase? Include your findings in your notebooks.
Ooh - last bit. Remind me to distirbute a reading about the story behind the new movie, "300." Adios...
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Govt/Econ: 2nd period had a great conversation with Dr. Green (MPS Superintendent) about the district budget. 4th period is preparing for the Reparations discussion.
WS: Maps. Maps. MOre maps.
AP: Many were gone to WIlson today. We also had speakers on MOnday. SO, that means everyone is ready for Wednesday's test, right? Chapters 8,9,10, & 11. You will be allowed to use your notebooks.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Your Camera Phones Don't Measure Up
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Romo loves his Cartoons...

All kneel before the greatest movie poster of ALL time! It spoofs Army of Darkness, the third movie of one of my favorite trilogies. It took me awhile to get into Aqua Teen Hunger Force, but I do enjoy it now.
And here you can see the new Simpsons Trailer. Select something in the Trailer 3 column. Wow.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
On My Mind
A trailer for the new Resident Evil: Extinction movie is available. It stars that "actress" from the Joan of Arc biopic clips we watched.
There may be another reason for some of you not doing well in math class. Share this with your parents.
I find it funny that Gates' kid has a computer/internet problem. How much time do you spend on the computer every day?
Well - I'm off to read and watch some of the telly. Barcelona lost earlier against Liverpool - bad goalie. Ciao...
When the choice is between a black man and a white woman...
Govt/Econ: We have begun our study of reparations and what the government is responsible for regarding helping people.
WS & AP: Vikings. Gotta love those videos. The bad acting, bad hair, etc. But they have great info.
Extra Credit for My WS and AP groups: Find out about the Kensington Runestone. What do you think? INclude this in your notes from today.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Castles, plus Cause & Effect
I hope the AP group learned how to do something interesting today. For EC - I'll be assigning some other linking games. For even more kudos - come up with your own!
ENjoy your 4 days!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Saying, Doing, and Causing Headaches.
Govt/Econ: Tests on Chapter 16 (Taxes)
WS: Joan of Arc and Messenger clips.
AP: Same as WS, but I also gave you homework. We'll discuss the Magna Carta and Black Death numbers on Wednesday. There will be a biography on JOan of Arc on Tuesday. Discussion about the lady will be taking place on Weds/Thurs.
Do not forget about the castle due next late projects will be accepted. Turn it in by Friday for EC.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Ye of Little Faith
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
In the Name of the Father
Since it looks like only my AP group looks at this site (if anyone does), I'm going to limit my posts to be AP-centric. I'll prossibly lecture on Wednesday, and you'll definitely take a quiz on Thursday or Friday (chapters 9 & 10).
Govt/Econ: More Taxes for the next 2 days.
WS 10: You'll watch the Crusades video on Wednesday, followed by a map on Thursday.
Extra Credit opportunity for any and all: Go to the Black & White dance (I'll get a copy of the ticket list).
Oh - Spain group: I know you question the value of the meetings, but trust me when I say you will appreciate them in time. You'll be spending a lot of time with one another and have only each other to lean on when away from your family in a distant, foreign locale. And learn the phrases - preparedness is key! I would also like a couple of people to serve as tour guides for Toledo, Sevilla, and Madrid. What should we go see? What should we avoid? I'm interested in seeing a soccer match (if I can figure out when/where) - it would be a minor league game since all 1st Division matches are on Sundays only. I'm also interested in a bullfight if they are in season...anyone else? Just to let you know - I plan on seeing a movie or two as well. I think it will be fun to catch a flick in a Spanish cinema (perhaps Pan's Labyrinth or Volver - if they're still out). And since we'll be on the coast - perhaps I should dig out my speedo...
Monday, February 05, 2007
Cheat me...
Gov't/Econ: Taxes. We'll fill out actual tax forms on Wednesday.
WS: We read about a Muslim's viewpoint of a Frankish crusader. Students were to get the other reading done on their own.
AP: We read the same as WS, in addition to the Position of the JEws in Germany, followed by your attempt to complete the map. I assigned 10.2 and 10.4 to be done by Friday. Look for a quiz on Thursday.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
"They Say"
In Govt/Econ today, we had an interesting task and result in 2nd period. Both classes had some time to finish up the work we will be correcting in class tomorrow.
WS: Some class time to finish your maps and vocabulary.
AP WS: A little castle lecture, followed up by some info about knights. Then you had time to finish up your maps. We'll correct some work tomorrow. I'll present some more castle information, and officially assign you some reading: Chapters 9 & 10. Expect a quiz next week.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
What a Waste
AS (& AP): Whenever there is some down time, finish up your maps. Tomorrow, I'll give a real Castle/Middle Ages lecture. Thursday is still TBD. Friday will be a day to correct your homework, and we'll read some other primary documents.
G/E: I'll be assigning a book later this week. In class, it's about breaking bad habits and getting you to focus on not wasting time by getting your work class. Textbooks are due by Friday.
Monday, January 29, 2007
So, Sophs - what do you think of the notebook/journal plan?
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Winds of Change
I am still working on my new grading system for next semester - something that will make sense to everyone. Look forward to some things from the past semester going by the wayside, while others return from the graveyard. You'll find very little truly new or foreign.
- The daily quote will return.
- The notebooks/journals will be vital.
- Self-assessment will become a part of the routine.
- There will be a quiz or test every week.
- We'll be moving from a 25-point per assignment standard down to a 20-point standard.
- I am going to try and utilize more A-B-C-D-F indicators.
- Extra Credit opportunities will be available on a weekly basis.
Econ: I met with each student individually about your current academic standing. In groups, you were to work on JA Ch. 5 Questions 1, 5, & 7. Wednesday will be spent on discussing your findings and discussing the Kohn article. Then Thursday will be the Econ final.
WS: Not much of a class today due to the Writing Test. Wednesday will be about sorting your journals/notebooks and finalizing the Religion Chart.
AP WS: You were supposed to organize your journal/notebook in class. On Wednesday, I will meet with each of you individually about your current academic standing. Meanwhile, the class will have time to work on EC - the Ch. 8 Reviewing the Facts.
I'm off to watch the State of the Union Address...
Monday, January 22, 2007
The Comeback
Econ - JA Chapters 1-5
WS - Ch. 8 and Religion Chart (Version A)
AP WS - Ch. 8 and Religion Chart (Version B)
For the next two days, I will meet with everyone individually and we'll determine your projected grade (pending the final, of course).
Friday, January 19, 2007
1 Week to go!
Econ: Complete Ch. 5 Quiz (Open Book) in class, get all previous work passed back. Study for FInal next week! Also - Monday will be the day to get your FAFSA get your Social Security Number!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Would MLK be OK Today?
Big sports news thus far is that the Gophers might have a new football coach - some tight ends coach from somewhere. Whoop Dee Do. I wanted Solich (or in a dream - Dungy). *SIGH* Oh well.
The seniors today read something from Alfie Kohn. It was about grades and the whole grading process. I only hope they understood its value. The sophs will read it sometime soon as well. Meanwhile, the sophs (all thre classes) watched a nice video about the foundation of Islam. Fair and balanced, it is part I of Islam: Empire of Faith. We'll talk more about Empire-building next quarter - just remember that there's more to it than faith alone. We're on a non-class late start day tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the field trip to the History Center with the AmStud students tomorrow.
Econ: Get your article questions done by Friday, please. You should also be aware of neext week's final. It will cover Chapters 1-5 of the JA curriculum. Read, study, practice, review.
WS and AP WS: Your quarter 2 "Final" will be Chapter 8 and the Religion Chart. Do not forget that you will be taking the MBST writing test next week. We'll work on the "Writing Chart" I talked about last week on Friday.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Thou Shall Not...
Anyone who cannot find a legal problem with adultery should check this out.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Streaking and the Web
The Web has sped up the circular flow of commerce and made the world much smaller (consider "The Global Village" theory). As such, laws in one country can be broken in others via the web. Allowing people to download copyrighted material via the web has become a widspread problem. Since the web is international, someone in the US can access information stored in Sweden and walk a tightrope of legality. For example, there is a program for such actions that is similarly named after islands off the Portuguese coast, Azureus.
Then, if you download things from places like mininova, ipodnova, etc. you are breaking US law. But - what if you already own such media files and simply want to access them from the road? You see the slippery slope. It's called piracy - but who is really the pirate? For $10, you see a movie in a theater, of which $8-$9 of those dollars go to the distributor, studio, and producers (eventually leading to Chris Tucker taking home $25 million for Rush Hour 3). Who's the real thief?
This is what gave birth to MySpace, originally designed for music distribution for small bands. You see, someone signs with a label and all music produced with that label is property of that label. Imagine how much music Simon Cowell owns and makes off everyone buying CDs of his Idols (Pop and American). Making money in the music business is about owning the music and the performer. Michael Jackson owns the Beatles music and it's what he's using to pay for his current lifestyle. Andre Young finds and produces music for Marshall Mathers, who then does the same with Curtis Jackson...while Mar. Mathers kicks some $$$ up to Mr. Young. It's very similar to a pyramid scheme, which is technically illegal in the US.
So your $15 pays music labels to then pass along $1-$2 to the performers and/or songwriters. Musicians make more money nowadays playing gigs than selling CDs in stores (an online). In response, many "free agent" musicians signed up for a web-based way of marketing themselves - MySpace.
Then you get YouTube. And have you read the fine print? ANYTHING and EVERYTHING posted on YouTube becomes property of Google (which now owns YouTube). CReation, development, and promotion have nothing to do with ownership anymore.
What's legal and what is illegal? If you download files without paying (the copyrighted owners), you are breaking US law. But how is that different from ripping the same stuff from your own DVDs and CDs? My advice? Don't download it unless you can prove ownership through some sort of legal transaction or provide a commercially produced CD or DVD.
Does this help you Sean?
Friday, January 12, 2007
Tech Stuff & Friday
Econ: Remember to bring your social security number for financial aid registration on Tuesday!
WS: We'll finish the Religion chart and Ch. 8 categorization on Monday.
AP WS: Don't forget about the HW. You will be turning in your notebooks after making a Table of Contents page.
Tardy Restitution: Some of you have been tardy to my class...and your grade will suffer. Rather than waste each other's time after school, bring me some supplies. RIght now, I see glue sticks and double-sided tape as being good bets.
Enjoy your long weekend...and while you consider MLK on Monday, consider reading Enough by Juan Williams. If any of you find interesting stuff on the web - let me know in the comments section...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Bizarro Schedule
Govt/Econ: Mr. Crowell came in and talked about Financial Aid. I also distributed copies of the MCTC application. Everyone needs to know his/her social security number.
WS: No class today.
AP WS: Because of the weird sc hedule, we didn't know how long each class would be. I assigned the Islam/Byzantine map (pp. 181, 189). Do not forget about the COmmandments vs US legislation assignment - due Monday...whoops, I mean Tuesday.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
iPhone Home
Soccer Reminder - we play at school every Thursday from 7 - 8:30. Tomorrow will also include a screening of Gladiator in my room. We'll order some food for dinner while we watch and then go play in one of the small gyms.
Govt/Econ: I talked about Cosby's speech at the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. Then you had 30 minutes to complete the Ch. 3 & 4 Tests. Unfortunately, many of you wasted your time looking through the text for things you should have known and did not finish in time. PLease understand that timed, open-book tests are a true measure of studying, preparation, and knwledge.
WS: I distributed Byzantine/Islam maps which you should have completed in class - it was only requiring you to copy pages 181 and 189 in your textbook. Pretty simple.
AP WS: I lectured about Islam (hopefully you took good notes). I also gave the comparison assignment (check "Hola" post...except for 6th period, which I forgot to remind. Oh, here is an EC opportunity...In your notebooks, cite where the Ten Commandments are written in the Old Testament, summarize the story of Job, and summarize the story of the 1001 Arabian Nights. That is all...
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Govt/Econ - We played the X/Y game. I offered 1 EC point (equal to one percentage point) for every dollar you earned in teh activity. Well, greedyness prevailed and both classes hit the -16 mark. Since I was offering points, I believe it is only fair that you repay me in dollars. Lat's see here...58 students. $16 each. That's $924. I hope everyone learned the value of cooperation and how, while competition is beneficial, you can get more by positively working with your peers. We'll go over notebooks and grades on Weds/Thurs.
WS- Religion. We'll finish the chart Thursday, and you should also finish the Ch. 8 categorization in class as well (while I go through your notebooks). On Friday, we'll correct the Ch. 8 worksheet and I'll go over grades - while you work on some maps.
AP WS - Religion. Weds - Finish Ch. 8 Categorization and Religion Chart. Thursday will require your patience and attention since I will be lecturing. You are getting some HW as well - I need a detailed (point by point) comparison between the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament and US legislation (US Constitution and other laws). I would also like quick statements about which one (1) of the Ten (10) you think is most important and which is the least necessary. That should spark some debate. Due Friday (1/12). On Friday, we'll correct the Ch. 8 worksheet and I'll go over grades - while you work on some maps (maybe).