Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Would MLK be OK Today?

A day to honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King. Great man. He had faults (like all of us), but he also inspired people throughout the nation (regardless of race), with the only people fearing him being ignorant disciples of hatred. Dr. King was a fan of Gandhi, and utilized the non-violence resistance movement in a very effective way in the country. Violence against the Black man during the Civil Rights Era was initiated by the ignorant fools in power ("traditionalist" White Men). Today, sadly, more violence against a Black man will be initiated by another Black man. I have a feeling Dr. King (and Brother Malcolm) would be saddened and disappointed by such tragedies.

Big sports news thus far is that the Gophers might have a new football coach - some tight ends coach from somewhere. Whoop Dee Do. I wanted Solich (or in a dream - Dungy). *SIGH* Oh well.

The seniors today read something from Alfie Kohn. It was about grades and the whole grading process. I only hope they understood its value. The sophs will read it sometime soon as well. Meanwhile, the sophs (all thre classes) watched a nice video about the foundation of Islam. Fair and balanced, it is part I of Islam: Empire of Faith. We'll talk more about Empire-building next quarter - just remember that there's more to it than faith alone. We're on a non-class late start day tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the field trip to the History Center with the AmStud students tomorrow.

Econ: Get your article questions done by Friday, please. You should also be aware of neext week's final. It will cover Chapters 1-5 of the JA curriculum. Read, study, practice, review.

WS and AP WS: Your quarter 2 "Final" will be Chapter 8 and the Religion Chart. Do not forget that you will be taking the MBST writing test next week. We'll work on the "Writing Chart" I talked about last week on Friday.

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