Monday, January 29, 2007


OK - I have started reading the textbook in order to create podcasts. My next step will be to record lectures. Here is an extra-credit assignment for my fellow nerdy types - I need to know how to get server space (maybe at WHS?) and then upload my podcasts so you can easily download them when you want to transfer them to your MP3 player. I am also serious about getting other readers out there. Each section is taking about 15 minutes, totalling about an hour for each chapter. Any interested takers? If you have a computer or Digital Voice Recorder, you should be good to go. I'll worry about converting files - I just need people to create them by CLEARLY reading from the text! Any takers?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Mr. Romo. I am willing to read a few chapters from the textbook. I have the necessities for recording, so all i need to know is what chapters to read. Let me know either tomorrow or through a comment.