Wednesday, January 10, 2007

iPhone Home

For those of you who may not know, Apple unveiled its new iPod/Phone hybrid at Macworld yesterday. It's an 8 GB iPod with a cingular cell phone, running Mac OS X, which allows you to surf the web and view real web pages - oh , and it's widescreen. It looks pretty slick. Unfortunately, it's only available through Cingular for $600.

Soccer Reminder - we play at school every Thursday from 7 - 8:30. Tomorrow will also include a screening of Gladiator in my room. We'll order some food for dinner while we watch and then go play in one of the small gyms.

Govt/Econ: I talked about Cosby's speech at the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. Then you had 30 minutes to complete the Ch. 3 & 4 Tests. Unfortunately, many of you wasted your time looking through the text for things you should have known and did not finish in time. PLease understand that timed, open-book tests are a true measure of studying, preparation, and knwledge.

WS: I distributed Byzantine/Islam maps which you should have completed in class - it was only requiring you to copy pages 181 and 189 in your textbook. Pretty simple.

AP WS: I lectured about Islam (hopefully you took good notes). I also gave the comparison assignment (check "Hola" post...except for 6th period, which I forgot to remind. Oh, here is an EC opportunity...In your notebooks, cite where the Ten Commandments are written in the Old Testament, summarize the story of Job, and summarize the story of the 1001 Arabian Nights. That is all...

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