Friday, February 23, 2007

Your Camera Phones Don't Measure Up

While surfing the web, I found these amazing pictures. Wow.

And here is an interesting story about a couple of teens who assaulted a teacher after he confiscated an iPod. What do you think their consequences would be if they were Washburn students?


Anonymous said...

Cool Pics,
I don't know how many of you have already seen this site, but this guy draws some crazy 3D chalk art. My favorite is the one with the Coke bottle.
Check it out! (why am i such a night owl)

Anonymous said...

The pics are cool, especially the angel one and the freeway one. If that would have happened at Washburn, it would have gave washburn an even worse reputation.

Anonymous said...

THose chalk drawings are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Hey Romo, I've got some more cool pics for anyone who wants to see them. I gotta say that they aren't as good as the ones you have here.

Anonymous said...
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