Thursday, February 01, 2007

"They Say"

The biggest liar in the land. Verify everything with a secured, trusted source. I hope the daily quote has been making you think - even if for only a minute. At the end of the week, I will be asking that you pick your favorite of that week's three quotes. I encourage you to share them with your family and ask about their opinions when/if applicable.

In Govt/Econ today, we had an interesting task and result in 2nd period. Both classes had some time to finish up the work we will be correcting in class tomorrow.

WS: Some class time to finish your maps and vocabulary.

AP WS: A little castle lecture, followed up by some info about knights. Then you had time to finish up your maps. We'll correct some work tomorrow. I'll present some more castle information, and officially assign you some reading: Chapters 9 & 10. Expect a quiz next week.

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