Tuesday, January 09, 2007


First post this year - for students, at least. I will do my best to update this every day. I'll simply explain what was done in classand post some reminders of due dates and also include some random thoughts and links.

Govt/Econ - We played the X/Y game. I offered 1 EC point (equal to one percentage point) for every dollar you earned in teh activity. Well, greedyness prevailed and both classes hit the -16 mark. Since I was offering points, I believe it is only fair that you repay me in dollars. Lat's see here...58 students. $16 each. That's $924. I hope everyone learned the value of cooperation and how, while competition is beneficial, you can get more by positively working with your peers. We'll go over notebooks and grades on Weds/Thurs.

WS- Religion. We'll finish the chart Thursday, and you should also finish the Ch. 8 categorization in class as well (while I go through your notebooks). On Friday, we'll correct the Ch. 8 worksheet and I'll go over grades - while you work on some maps.

AP WS - Religion. Weds - Finish Ch. 8 Categorization and Religion Chart. Thursday will require your patience and attention since I will be lecturing. You are getting some HW as well - I need a detailed (point by point) comparison between the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament and US legislation (US Constitution and other laws). I would also like quick statements about which one (1) of the Ten (10) you think is most important and which is the least necessary. That should spark some debate. Due Friday (1/12). On Friday, we'll correct the Ch. 8 worksheet and I'll go over grades - while you work on some maps (maybe).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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