Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bizarro Schedule

OK - so the auditorium went a little longer than originally planned. No 3rd period today! I hope everyone took home more than some funny jokes designed around ethnic/racial differences. The message was not about stereotypes - it was more about tolerance and cooperation.

Govt/Econ: Mr. Crowell came in and talked about Financial Aid. I also distributed copies of the MCTC application. Everyone needs to know his/her social security number.

WS: No class today.

AP WS: Because of the weird sc hedule, we didn't know how long each class would be. I assigned the Islam/Byzantine map (pp. 181, 189). Do not forget about the COmmandments vs US legislation assignment - due Monday...whoops, I mean Tuesday.



Anonymous said...

No school on Monday, Romo.

Anonymous said...

Romo its sean and i can get the audio for the movie to work but i cant get any video and which program do i need to get to play the other short videos?