Thursday, January 17, 2008

Three Spies

AP Govt
Let's see - after today's THINK, we went through yesterday's newspaper story about MN being in a recession. This was followed by some work in the JA Study Guide. Tomorrow will be about grades and some study tips for the final. People have asked me for study guides - there really aren't any and the best thing I can recommend are the notes some of you have taken and shared throughout the course. Ask to see one another's notebooks. Make copies. Study.

We watched a video about Africa: A History Denied. I interjected at times to share some extra tidbits. I hope you learned something.

WS 5 & 6
You were given some time to finish the homework that is due tomorrow. I am also giving you the opportunity to turn in a castle on Tuesday for half credit.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Web of Wow

As many of you know, I frequently share interesting bits from the web in class. I have some favorite sites (, but most of what I learn about comes from random surfing and well-travelled faves that have links to what they enjoy. I recently became of this site from Mark Evanier, a writer in LA. It is amazing - think Rube Goldberg.

A Safe Place

AP Govt
We completed and discussed the JA Study Guide pages related to Demand. I hope you continue to try so you learn about econ - it is seriously important. Tomorrow will be about supply and we'll read about the potential recession Minnesota is currently facing.

Sgt. Noble visited and was about to cuff Maly - quite humorous for everyone. After that, we used the time to complete the maps for Africa and the Americas. Tomorrow we'll watch something about Africa.

WS 5&6
You worked on the America map in class, and many of you did not finish the Africa map (too much chit chat?).

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Haircut and a Shave

AP Government
We covered the Barber logic question while also presenting Price Elasticity of Demand. Tomorrow will hopefully find us completing some Demand problems. Do not forget about the semester final!

World Studies (AP and 5/6)
We went over the Barber Logic question, followed by a lecture on Aztec sacrifice. The daily question was: Where do Monarch Butterflies come from? It was answered through a scientific, geographic, and mythological lens. I hope everyone remembers who my favorite Aztec god is.

Monday, January 14, 2008

3 Monkeys

I will update this thing every day (perhaps even after every course). I promise to do my best. It was shut down last year due to MPS filtering software. This will be more useful over time as assignments are given and advance-notice of tests written.

Until then, maybe use the comments section to give some tips on fun web sites and/or interesting vids on

If you want to fool your parents and friends, here is today's THINK:
You enter a room with three monkeys.
The first one has a banana.
The second one has a stick.
The third one has nothing.
Which primate is the smartest?